Friday, August 29, 2008

Waters of Merom

The king of Hazor heard about the destruction of the southern kings and he called surrounding kings to fight against Israel. Thousands of men, like the sands on the sea shore and very many horses and chariots camped at the waters of Merom.

God told Joshua not to be afraid they would destroy all of them and there chariots.

Joshua and his troops made a surprise attack and pounced on them the Israelites killed them all.
Joshua went back to Hazor and destroy the king and the city. Then they killed all the people in the surrounding cities but didn't destroy the cities. The soldiers were aloud to keep the cattle and goods for them selves.

Now all of Israel was controlled by Joshua.

Victory over Sisera

Friday, August 22, 2008

The battle of the valley Aijalon

When the five Amorite kings heard that the Israelites had made a pact with Gibeon, they marched on Gibeon. Gibeon called on Joshua's assistance Joshua and isreal marched all night and attacked the Amorite siege a march over 30km.
The Amorite army fled in a panic God threw huge hail stones on them killing more than Joshua killed. But it was getting late and Joshua realised that he could not destroy. He prayed to God asking Him to make the sun stand still and God answered his prayers. The sun did not set till the kings and there armies were dead.

Bible Reference: Joshua 10